
TSA set to trim players

Tanzania`s World Cup swimming team is likely to be trimmed from its present 12 players to a reasonable size owing to financial constraints.

The Tanzania Swimming Association`s (TSA) secretary general, Noel Kiunsi, said his body is still struggling to secure funds to send the team.

As time is running out for the event that gets underway in Milan in July through August, the organisers have found it difficult to secure corporate sponsorship for the Dar contingent.

Funding has been highlighted by the TSA secretary as the most outstanding problem that would cripple efforts of the team`s intended Italian sporting entourage.

Kiunsi said his body had planned to send a contingent of 12 players with an estimated 127m/= as a budget to cater for the trip.

Kiunsi did not disclose how much funds have TSA secured so far, but he was sure the number of players for the entourage would be less than the previously projected figure.

Besides money, players who would win selection to represent the country should attain pre-set standards to board the Milan-bound flight.

Kunsi named the provisional team lined up for the trip as Magdalena Moshi, Ishita Tanna, Catherine Decker, Samson Makere, Khalid Rushaka, Omary Abdalah, Mophat Oswald, Nassoro Salmin, Salum Mapunda, Idrissa Kassim, Mbaraka Valentino, Athuman Ally and Said Saleh.

The above named players are still attending training sessions in Dar es Salaam on their own before setting up a camp, few weeks ahead of the Milan trip.

Kiunsi continued to call individuals and corporate sponsors to assist TSA in its mission to send the Tanzania team for the world championships.

  • SOURCE: Guardian


Written by Israel Saria

For the last 20 years I have been working as a football pundit. This experience has provided me with a very useful insight into football and the opportunity to carry out extensive research into the game including its players, the stadiums, the rules and tactics and I have also been grateful to meet a wide range of people connected to football in the UK, Tanzania, Germany .....

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