
TFF uses referees under FIFA probe

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In a surprise move, the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) is deliberately deploying three home-based referees who are under FIFA probe.

TFF acting secretary general Sunday Kayuni, who happens to be the body’s technical director, confessed yesterday that the trio; Oden Mbaga, Hamis Chang’walu and Jesse Erasmo, are being investigated by FIFA since August this year.
FIFA’s instructors, Zimbabwean Felix Tangawalima and South African Carlos Henrique, had earlier told TFF of the investigation currently conducted over the trio.
Tangawalima and Henrique broke the news to TFF when they visited the country while on FIFA duty to supervise recruitment of new referees.
“Tangawalima and Henrique verbally informed TFF that Mbaga, Chang’walu and Erasmo were investigated by FIFA and promised to present officially written communication after three weeks,” said Kayuni.
The instructors said six Kenyan referees were also under the same FIFA investigation similar circumstances.
Kayuni said TFF declined to assign the trio in domestic events while waiting for FIFA’s formal written notification.
A controversy unfolded when FIFA told TFF that the trio would be assigned to officiate U-23 international match between Botswana and Namibia played in Gaborone, so says Kayuni.
Basing on FIFA’s own technical infringement, TFF waived to extend suspension of the refereeing trio and make full use of their services in domestic events.
“We have no reason to impose football curfew on the referees as long as FIFA itself has cleared them for international matches. We are making full use of them so as to keep them in shape to maintain their profession,” he said.
“Should we sideline them from activating their profession this would be detrimental to them,” he added.
Meanwhile, TFF has expressed sincere gratitude to all sports stakeholders for their fully participating in the funeral ceremony of Syllersaid Mziray, who was consulting coach of Mainland premier league holders Simba.
Mziray passed away in Dar es Salaam on Saturday after a long illness and was buried on the subsequent Monday.
Kayuni said TFF hopes the stakeholders will continue extending the same gravity of cooperation in other matters pertaining to sports development in the country.
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Written by Israel Saria

For the last 20 years I have been working as a football pundit. This experience has provided me with a very useful insight into football and the opportunity to carry out extensive research into the game including its players, the stadiums, the rules and tactics and I have also been grateful to meet a wide range of people connected to football in the UK, Tanzania, Germany .....

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