Re: Tanzania Sports re creation Link ups
Dear Mr. Thadeo
Apart from Government means which has the duty to promote the Growth of Sports as a whole in the Country, I am wondering if you may allow individual efforts to apply so as to speed up the process of enabling fast links from home to other affiliated institutions here in Johannesburg.
South Africa has first class all sorts of Sport Infrastructure and facilities which the whole of Africa if not Tanzania may benefit from, after 2010 World Cup finals in July2010.
What we need to do is to Link up different Sports Association at home and Johannesburg. These may be for example, Tenis Association, Judo.Valley Balls, Swimming, Footballs etc.
Each Association has a duty to Plan their readness, budget and where possible we will try to look and find some Sponsors. The Government may not have Funds, but through local Sports brokers it may be possible to bring teams here in Johannesburg for competitions which upon winning there will be funds to repay the hosting costs.
Sports teams such as Simba Sports, Young Africans and Taifa Stars and Judo may be sponsored if they are determined.
The Government has the duty to promote the dignity and self esteem of all Tanzania youth; to ensure their physical, intellectual and moral well being; and to take all measures to accelerate their full participation in the socio-economic, cultural and political life as healthy, active and productive citizens of the nation.
Tanzania Sports should be perceived and serve as an instrument of social development. To this end, it should be aspired to having good determined citizens, molded by dynamic cultural and religious values, so that they can take their rightful place in society and fully participate in economic and socio-political development of peaceful Tanzanian through individual and coherent group self-motivation.
Joseph Mshilla