
Yanga appeal for discussion today

The Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) disciplinary committee sits today to discuss among other issues, Yanga`s appeal over the two-year ban on it.

TFF barred Yanga from participating in local championships organised by the federation and foreign tournaments other than Cecafa for two years for boycotting a third place match with their archrival, Simba.

The ban was instituted after the East and Central Africa Football Associations (CECAFA) imposed a three-year ban from participating in tournaments organised by body for abandoning a match that would have produced a third place winner of the tournament.

Yanga are objecting to the penalty, questioning the rationale of a double penalty for the same offence.
The continental body also fined the club US Dollars 35,000 (about 42m/-) for the same offence.

Simba and Yanga were to clash in a preceding match of the Challenge Cup finals on July 27, 2008 at the Main National Stadium in Dar es Salaam but Yanga did not show up.

The appeal is being heard while already there are cries of foul over the saga. Some stakeholders are of the view that Cecafa has contravened its own set regulations governing the tournament.

A renowned coach, Syllersaid Mzirai has said the fine exercised on Yanga is not contained in any of the Cecafa regulations governing the championship.

He elaborated in a radio programme which is aired every Wednesday morning that according to the regulations the penalty ought to be between US Dollars 500 (600,000/) and 5,000 (about 6m/-) and not otherwise.

While doubts were expressed over the mandate of TFF in instituting the penalty, experts say that the Federation has been empowered through its membership in CAF which is also affiliated to FIFA.
By the process TFF can exercise any ruling by observing CAF constitution and regulations that govern a tournament.

In the meantime Cecafa general assembly meets in Kampala, Uganda next month to discuss Yanga`s temporary suspension from membership.

Some of those who have spoken on the issue agree that Yanga did not show sportsmanship and had defamed not only the state but also the club’s reputation.

Many have however expressed concern that the manner under which the punishment has been effected made Yanga victims of double punishmnent.

Said El Maamry who is chairing the TFF appeals committee has already made his point clear that his committee would hear explanation from both sides and effect a ruling that would steer soccer development in the region.

  • SOURCE: Sunday Observer

Written by Israel Saria

For the last 20 years I have been working as a football pundit. This experience has provided me with a very useful insight into football and the opportunity to carry out extensive research into the game including its players, the stadiums, the rules and tactics and I have also been grateful to meet a wide range of people connected to football in the UK, Tanzania, Germany .....

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