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It is hard to believe but during my young ages I was always hearing one radio commentator that the Egyptians were the first people to tame domestic cats
I believe and still believe the same despite of no facts on the same
As a sports enthusiast I recently came to vital information regarding sports competitions.
Egyptians believes in their theories that Ancient Egyptians began the custom of holding International games regularly at Akhmen in Upper Egypt.
International competitions were held and great store was set by the impartiality of referees and umpires from different countries to judge the games.
Egyptians still believe that in Egypt Sports were born and flourished and from it spread to Greece, Rome and to the rest of the world.
Truly indeed Egyptians are regarded as the luckiest nation in the world due the fact that the country is treated as the cradle of civilizations.
Civilization started first in Egypt and from there it moved to Phoenicia, Carthage ,Greece and Rome.
Egypt is the gift of Habby. The Nile is an area surrounded by the barren desert.
According to the late Prof, Ahmed Touny of Egypt describes Habby as an ancient name of the Nile used to add a deposit of rich soil that formed the delta or Lower Egypt.
I happened to meet Prof. Ahmed Touny during my first visit in Ancient Olympia Greece in July 1984 during Olympic young leaders meeting.
Prof Touny continues to argue that the contrast between the barren deserts and the fertile valley as well as the cyclical rhythm of the Nile brought in the ancient Egyptians deep sense of order, tradition justice and sincerity.
Egyptians still argue that 3000 years before the birth of Christ Dynastic ancient Egypt.ians began their activities until when they were under the Roman occupation
Ancient Egyptians engaged themselves in sports with intention of training and strethening their bodies and also for pleassureand recreation
This has been proved through the historical data obtained in Giza tombs.
The Stella of Amenophis in Giza shows Egyptians skills in Archery, shooting, rowing and love of horses.
The male and female sculpture and paintings on the tombs shows how the ancient Egyptians were set on physical Fitness. While the ladies were slender, redolent with feminist , men were strong with masculine vigor
Despite of the above facts, the World still believes that Olympia was a religious site and games hub long before the first recorded games of 776BC
Excavations at the Ancient Olympia in Greece reveal that the sanctuary ages dates back before 1300 BC
By 600 BC the Games which were held after for five days included horse races, pentathlon wrestling, boxing and foot races.
Ancient Olympia had a stadium with capacity of 40,000 people . During the Games all military conflicts and hostilities were stopped to pave way for the Games.
Winners in the Games were awarded with olive leaves and became heroes.
It is believed in Greek culture that the success of this Olympic Games were much attributed to the Greek passion of competition hence respect for harmony and beauty of the human body.
This follows with their way of life, unity of mind, body and spirit.

Pierre De Coubertin the father and founder on modern Olympic came with this Greek philosophy. The first modern Olympic Games were then held in 1996 in Athens Greece.
There is a need especially to historians to go back to the archives and give us the more reliable facts on the Games otherwise this is just a food for thought.

Executive committee member National Olympic Committee(TOC)

Written by Israel Saria

For the last 20 years I have been working as a football pundit. This experience has provided me with a very useful insight into football and the opportunity to carry out extensive research into the game including its players, the stadiums, the rules and tactics and I have also been grateful to meet a wide range of people connected to football in the UK, Tanzania, Germany .....

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