
Chambers sets London 2012 target

Dwain Chambers
Chambers tested positive for the steroid THG in 2003

Sprinter Dwain Chambers still hopes to compete at the London 2012 Olympics, despite failing in an attempt to overturn his lifetime Games ban.

Under British Olympic Association (BOA) rules, he is banned from future Games after failing a drugs test in 2003.

Asked about London 2012, the 30-year-old told ITV News: “Participation first and foremost is a key thing for me.

“If I get a medal out of it, that’ll be great. Then I’ll be done. I just want to compete. I’m a born runner.”

The Londoner added: “I’m here to run and I just want to do the best I can and show what I really can do as a clean athlete.

“You’ve got to take the rough with the smooth on this one and I’m a tough cookie, I can deal with it. No matter what, I’m still going to go out and achieve my goals.”

BBC Sport’s Matt Slater

Chambers argued that the ban, for testing positive for the steroid THG, was an unfair restraint of trade and took his case to the High Court to try to secure an injunction against the BOA by-law.

But on Friday Mr Justice Mackay refused to grant an injunction to temporarily suspend the lifetime ban before a full hearing – which is now not expected to go ahead – in March next year.

Talking about his legal battle over his desire to compete in Beijing this summer, Chambers said: “I’ve been through it once or twice before and it’s not going to change and I’ve accepted that but I’m still going to get on with my job.

“My honesty is what has come to bite me, preventing me from going any further. To me that’s sad but the rules are the rules and I failed to abide by them.

“I’m obviously looking for a second chance but we don’t get second chances, unfortunately, and I’ve got to suffer the consequences of that.

“We all make mistakes and we’re all kicked to the curb because of it but we all need to make mistakes in order to learn from them to make ourselves better individuals.”

Meanwhile, the BOA plan to ask the British Athletes Commission to carry out a survey of all Olympic athletes for their views on the by-law after this summer’s Olympics.

BOA chairman Lord Moynihan said on Friday that a previous survey had shown 90% of the athletes were in favour of the lifetime Olympic ban on drugs cheats.

Written by Israel Saria

For the last 20 years I have been working as a football pundit. This experience has provided me with a very useful insight into football and the opportunity to carry out extensive research into the game including its players, the stadiums, the rules and tactics and I have also been grateful to meet a wide range of people connected to football in the UK, Tanzania, Germany .....

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